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Serving survivors of crime & abuse

For a survivor of assault, human trafficking, abuse, or other crime, it is a very traumatic experience that can leave you with serious physical and mental challenges. You are not alone. Our REACH Center has advocates available 24/7 to assist with trauma, medical support, and navigating the legal system.


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Our REACH Center provides a 24 hour helpline for survivors of abuse and sexual assault. Our trained teams provide crisis counseling via phone and accompaniments for medical emergencies.


Advocates are available to meet with survivors to provide guidance, emotional support, and coordination of services. They are your bridge to support, working with agencies to help and to provide accompaniments for legal, medical and other necessary appointments.

Find care and support centered around you.

If you or someone you know has experienced assault, crime, human trafficking, violence, or abuse... you are not alone.


Our REACH Center is here to support you and our emergency helpline is available 24/7.

Find out more about what human trafficking is and the types of trafficking that exists in our communities.

Trafficking & Exploitation

Learn more about abuse, domestic violence, and support for safety.

Abuse & Violence

Does the abuse involve a child? Take a look at our Child Advocacy Center program for additional support information.

Child Advocacy

How to get help
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REACH Center
24hr Support Helpline

Call our REACH Center helpline anytime, 24 hours a day at 518.943.4482. Trained staff provide crisis counseling and support services.

How we help support

We help survivors through guidance and emotional support

REACH supports survivors of sexual assault, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and abuse. In the cases involving child abuse, our Child Advocacy Center will take the reins to provide support.


For all cases, survivors of assault, abuse, neglect, or violence need emotional support and help navigating a complex legal system. We're that support.


What we can help with

We help with all forms of abuse and violence, providing a coordination of services to work through the traumatic experience.

Trauma Therapy

Legal support and advocacy 

Medical support and accompaniment

Prevention & awareness training

Linkage to shelter resources

Creating a safety plan

Sexual exploitation & human trafficking support

Volunteer at the REACH Center

Make a difference, learn crisis prevention & counseling skills, and do something meaningful!


Volunteers with the REACH Center have the opportunity to learn from a FREE 30-hour intensive training program that teaches advocates about advocacy/counseling, the realities and impact of victimizations, procedures for common advocacy situations, techniques to support recovery, and compassion fatigue and self-care.


You'll have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside staff and assist with our 24-hour helpline, accompany victims to the hospital or police stations, provide support and advocate for survivors' rights in medical and legal settings.

Volunteer Today
Make a difference & do something meaningful!

Thank you for your interest in being a volunteer! We'll be in touch!

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