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Human Trafficking

There are many myths and misconceptions that people may have about human trafficking and exploitation. It's not like movies and tv and not just in big cities.

Realities of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some form of labor or commercial sex act.


Often people equate being trafficked with being smuggled, kidnapped, or otherwise taken and held against their will. Human trafficking isn't always the way it seems in the movies.


Learn more about the realities behind many myths and misconceptions of human trafficking below.


Learn more about human trafficking and exploitation.

It's not always just in big cities, immigrants, or kidnappings. Exploitation can and does happen in any community and victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality - even if you've never left your home town.

Find out more about what human trafficking is and the types of trafficking that exists in our communities.

About Human Trafficking

Find out what warning signs exist that you can look for and who may be at a greater risk of being a victim of exploitation.

Warning Signs & Risk Factors

Learn ways to keep yourself safe from exploitation and other resources to combat human trafficking.

Safety Tips & Resources

How to report a tip or get help
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REACH Center
24hr Support Helpline

Call our REACH Center helpline anytime, 24 hours a day at 518.943.4482. Trained staff provide crisis counseling and support services.

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Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line

The HSI Tip Line is available 24/7 to submit anonymous tips for suspected human trafficking.

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National Human Trafficking Hotline

Call 1.888.373.7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733) to report suspected human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

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